Monday, May 10, 2010


A dear classmate of mine has just recently blogged about whether not the state of Texas should consider adopting immigration laws that are similar to those of Arizona. All that I have to say about this is that I completely agree with everything that you have to say and I love the way you think.

It is true that it is hurting Americans. What really sickens me is that I work really hard from my money and I do not want to know that part of my taxes went to some immigrant that is either in jail or whatever reason. And it is true that some immigrants take job at lower pay rates which causes our economy to go down.

As well as my classmate, I am not races. I do feel that if someone wants to come and live in the United States, please do so the honest way. Learn a little bit about our country and how some things work and get your green card. And please above all, learn how to speak the national language. I find it kind of frustrating that some of these people come to OUR country and expect US to accommodate them to their needs. All in all I agree with everything that they have to say about immigration.

Protect the Capitol

I just read an article in the Austin American Statesman about putting metal detectors and security sensors in the state Capital. I say what I great idea! I went to the Capital in high school for a field trip and I noticed one of the teachers who was with us talking about the lack of security at the Capital, especially at the entrance. I did pay attention to the remark and concluded that it was quite true. Literally anyone can come into the Capital with a weapon and harm the nearest person. I find it amazing that there has not been a major incident there already. At least not to my knowledge.

Just recently there was a five to one vote over Governor Rick Perry for deciding that it is time to furnish the Capital with metal detectors and x-ray equipment. I understand where Governor Rick Perry comes from when he says that he wants the state capital to “remain one of the few high profile government buildings that does not screen at entrants.” It would be lovely to think that we live in such a care free, peaches and cream world where nothing bad happens. But, with regard to the January shooting occurrence that happened right outside of the Capital building and all the other crapola that goes on in Austin, we must think a little more reasonably. Our Capital is a very important building and is a very significant symbol to the state of Texas and it would be nice to know that the build is protected.